The Boston Local Music Show focuses on local music acts; fucking duh. Boston has so many great artists, and with the current sorry state of the scene it's hard for any local Boston band to get the exposure they deserve. Dex was accompanied by Dave Crespo, best know as the latin head of the Boston local band DCAP, and they definitely did the scene some justice.
Anyone who listened to the show knows that there were some technical difficulties involving Dex's vocal feed which were unable to be resolved in the 3 hour show. Resident ponderer Mr. Lax speculates that the issues have to do with how fantastically unique Dex's voice is and the simple fact that the internet was not ready for it.
Nonetheless there were over 35 fantastic songs played, all featuring local arists, and only a few of which you could ever get a chance to hear on any "mainstream" station. Over the 3 hours there was such a great range of excellent music played that I think everyone listening heard something that they hadn't before but really liked.
Tomorrow night (Friday January 8th 2010) we will again be working with Unregular Radio to bring you the show at McGann's show streaming live. So if for some reason you can't make it to that show, which will be a supertastic rocksplosion, you can listen to it on
If you are a local artist and want to be played on The Boston Local Music Show email them to Otherwise just enjoy all the great tunes next and every Thursday at 1pm.