Monday, January 31, 2011

Pop Rawk In Yo Mouth: Justin Goodrich CD Release @ McGann's Pub

On Saturday night, F Nice put on yet another fantastic show at McGann's Pub in Boston. It was Justin Goodrich's CD release show, and also featured Grace Morrison, JVD and the Back Porch Smokers, and Zilch. This particular reviewer has spent too much time getting high this week, rendering her unable to convey, with words, the awesome-ness of the show. However, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth ten times that.  The following videos all came from this live stream, on

Opening the show was Grace Morrison and the RSO, a six piece folky-bluesy local act featuring an upright bassist and violinist.

Next up was JVD & the Back Porch Smokers. A three piece "boozy, bluesy rock 'n roll" act based in Cambridge.

Justin Goodrich blew in like a hurricane, having come from an earlier show in Manchester, NH. He's a hustler! You can read a review of his last show at McGann's here.

Finishing off the show was Zilch, a Boston based jam band. One of the members' mom was there taking pictures; it was really cute.

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