Truezoos is a band based on the principle of chemistry. A three piece outfit hailing from Georgetown Massachusetts, they have been popping up more and more frequently in the Boston music scene. The three boys have recently singed with F Nice Records and are ready to take Boston, and anyone who loves live music, into their world.
The bands sound can be described as being a reggae-rock blend with some jam band undertones. However, it is impossible to put a finger on just what makes the music Truezoos creates irresistible. Looking at the track So Listen the first song off of their Ep of the same name, a listener finds a feast for the ears of easy going grooves under a powerful live life as you please type of message. The following track, Just Enough is impossible to pin down genre wise and impossible stop playing on repeat. The band jumps from a reggae feel to a hooky call and response vocal line. They bring it to the chorus for a more drawn out melody only to fly into the segment that pays homage to serious hip/hop influence.

The Bandconsists of drummer Bob Langlais, Bassist Marc Hoffman and singer/ guitarist Sean O'Sullivan. Sean and Marc have been playing together since the age of thirteen, and Sean describes Marc as "His bassist for life” he continues, “I just don't want to play next to anyone else, we started playing guitar together and then Marc (switching to bass) decided he wanted to fill out the low end.” Bob joined the Truezoo ranks in mid 2010 and the Band sound has been taking steady shape ever since.
For the Truezoo crew, songwriting walks hand in hand with improvisation. Each idea comes from either a verse or chorus that Sean brings in, or a jam session that they start each practice with. “We multi-track the first thirty minutes of each practice” Marc says,he graduated from Umass Lowell with a degree in sound engineering. “From that we can chop up each part and find what has potential for a song.“ Each member knows how to leave the ego at the door in turn has the ability to identify each others strengths. Though Sean might be considered the ‘songwriter’ in the classical sense it is a team process. Sean states, “Marc just plays these amazing bass riffs, so I can take his riffs and bring the song alive.”
Leaving an ego at the door transcends into Truezoos presence when performing. Truezoos stage show consists of the songs they write and record, but they do not stop there. “ When we play a song live, it turns into something else entirely.” Marc says, looking happy just talking about playing. “what is normally two minutes, can turn into twenty minutes, we start playing one song and then turn it into another song, and then throw a cover or two in there”. When playing live the band is all about communication. They never play the same show twice and they never write official set lists.
These live shows, as well as there self recorded song offering So Listen have gained them a local legion of fans. The bands merchandise and promotional materials primarily have images taken from fan art that is given to them by devoted followers. “Its amazing that we influence people, we inspire art with our art” says Sean. Sean wants to inspire and this comes through heavy in his lyrical style and content. Sean, Marc and Bob need music, “Music for me is everything” says Sean, “Memories, everyday experience, a
nd just a way of staying on track.”

F Nice and Truezoos are a match made in rock heaven. A band dedicated to their fans and the pursuit of making the best music possible, and a company devoted to bringing the best of Boston local music to the world can only lead to face-melting results.
Truezoos believe in the power of music, and the difference it can make in a persons life. Sean goes as far as to say, “Music is my life coach” and really based on the music and community these fellas create, Truezoos should be your life coach.
Learn more about Truezoos upcoming shows and events at . Expect a full length album in July along with a raging show for the history books to celebrate put on by the Sultans of all great music, F Nice Records.