The show started out a bit more mellow with an acoustic set by Detroit native Oliver Thompson, currently in our area while on tour.
After that we had Hero on Hold on stage, hailing from Charlton, MA (not to be confused with Charlestown, or any other town for that matter). The guys played Mom's favorite song, Shattered, and then the crowd forced them to do it again after Mom came late.

After HOH's encore, Don, Rick, Tyler, and Adam rocked their faces off and got everyone in the bar up on their feet. Mother of Dylan came up from Providence to play this show.
Not to be confused with old Hong Kong... New Hong Kong, who specialize in melting faces, did just that last night. Hailing from right here in Bosstown, their name comes from their favorite Chinese restaurant in Brighton. The next stop for the band? Demo.

And to end things right, Textbook Co-Pilot wrapped up the show will a solid set and kept the energy of the night going.
All in all, it was a great night last night at McGanns. Everyone left with F's on their hands, beer in their bellies, good music in their ears, and smiles on their faces.
Thanks to everyone who came and keep checking here for upcoming shows!