You heard it here first. The Apocalypse is coming.
The Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse, that is.

This Thursday, June 23rd you can catch The I.Z.A. live at McGanns and not only can you catch some guitar screechin' right then and there... but you can take them home with you too.
Not the band, but their music.
Because we'll be celebrating the release of their brand-new CD,
Lick it or Ticket

You can also hear the band that same very day on The Boston Local Music Show with Dex & DAve at 1PM. They'll be talking, maybe playing some music, all around good sound for your ears to hear. So tune in.
The show at McGanns starts at 8:30pm and you can also catch Sweet Irony, Lost in Society, and The Mercy Case because they will be playing, as well.
Tickets are $5 online right here.
They'll be $8 at the door, so get 'em early why dontcha.